• so gahts...geschter im interview mit em jan ticketer no positiv
    gsi und freud gha a allem, hüt g'waived. dä brendan bell.

    wobii, spiele chönnter trotzdem...wänn ich richtig grächnet han
    händ d'rags no 5 verteidiger...

  • de Weber tuet mr fasch chli läid.

    Diaz in den Top sechs, Weber auf Waiver?
    Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011, 14:16 - Urs Berger

    Bei den Montréal Canadiens ist ein letzter Kaderschnitt gemacht worden. Für hockeyfans.ch nicht ganz überraschend musste dabei Weber über die Klinge springen.

    Gemäss verschiedenen Berichten aus Nordamerika wird Rafael Diaz neben Spazek als sechster Verteidiger die Saison beginnen. Der Innerschweizer hat von Beginn an die Verantwortlichen in Montréal überzeugt.

    Anders Yannick Weber. Der ehemalige Berner Junior wird vermutlich in den kommenden Tagen auf den Waiver gesetzt. Dort können ihn die restlichen 29 Klubs verpflichten und zur Hälfte des Gehaltes übernehmen. Die andere Hälfte würde dann gegen den Cap-Hit der Canadiens zählen. Dass ihn aber ein anderer Klub verpflichten würde ist im Moment eher unwahrscheinlich. Sollte er keinen anderen Klub finden, würde er die Saison erneut mit den Hamilton Bulldogs in der AHL beginnen.

  • Zitat von Gysino

    lol, härt für dä weber.

    ich wär mer aber nöd sicher, dass en keine uufpickt vo dä waiver...villicht chönnted sogar
    d'isles en kandidat sii.

    Ja, will sone Schäle wär er ja nöd.

    Zu dä Isles...das wär witzig! 3 Schwizer i äim Team!

  • Zitat von Studi66

    Ja, will sone Schäle wär er ja nöd.

    Zu dä Isles...das wär witzig! 3 Schwizer i äim Team!

    ich glaube nöd dra, aber wer weiss.

    ich finde dä weber grausam durchschnittlich und damals a dä Heim-WM ischer sogar
    dä schlächtischt verteidiger vo allne gsi.

  • Die Islanders werden ein Devils Altersheim. Nach Brian Rolston (der ist immer noch recht gut, vor allem im PP) nun noch Jay Pandolfo. Pando ist ein guter Penalty Killer aber ob er es sonst noch bringt bin ich nicht sicher

  • Zitat von Gysino

    ich glaube nöd dra, aber wer weiss.

    ich finde dä weber grausam durchschnittlich und damals a dä Heim-WM ischer sogar
    dä schlächtischt verteidiger vo allne gsi.

    Er schiint käi uusprägti Stärchi z'ha...daher scho durchschnittlich.

    Uf RDS.ca häissts hingäge:

    Trios à l'entraînement


    Duos de défenseurs


  • Zitat von Brave New World

    Isch dä so schlecht ? Vom Alter her goht er ja no guet.

    1. ja
    2. ischer dä gröscht arsch wo jemals schlittschueh aagleit hät. siehe youtube, 1 zilliarde biispiel. suech zB mal "sean avery screening". wäge ihm händ sogar äxtra neui regle müese iifüehre bezgl. screening. isch aber nur eis vo vielne biispiel.

  • Zitat von Brave New World

    Isch dä so schlecht ? Vom Alter her goht er ja no guet.

    nei ebe, en schlechte hockeyspieler wer er ned mal. aber er isch momentan sicher de meischtghassti spieler ide nhl. e richtig arroganti blödi sau wo s mami bide erziehig wohl es paar gröberi fehler gmacht het. da e übersicht waser bis 2008 alles so verbroche het. de früehlig ischer gad verhafted worde, weller puff mitemne polizischt gha het. charakterlich also ganz tüüfs niveau obwohl er sich ez biispilswiis für d schwuleehe etc. iisetzt, wohl zum wider chli credit z becho. het au immer e grossi schnurre und fighte (uf nhl-niveau) chan er nöd würkli.

    ebe, wer wohl e ganz heikli verpflichtig und won ichs ghört han daser sich in europa umeluegt hani au zerscht denkt "ja nöd". aber evtl. chönt er e zweiti chance nütze und würd gad i somne lethargische huufe wie bi ois chi s füür entfache. so a la todd elik...

    aber de avery im "Z" libli... eigentli :kotz:

    zudem denk ich das de hartley als ehemalige seriöse nhl coach zum avery würd nei säge. die passed wahrschindli nöd würkli zäme.

    The Avery File

    July 2005
    Avery blasts NHLPA executive Bob Goodenow over the lack of negotiations with the NHL to avoid a lockout. "I am furious at Bob," Avery told the Los Angeles Times. "Bob thought he was bigger than he was. Bob brainwashed players like me. We burned a year for nothing. We didn't win anything. We didn't prove anything. We didn't get anything. We wasted an entire season. "We underestimated how rich the owners were. Nobody thought they would be willing to burn a season. They won. They beat us."

    September 2005
    After Kings teammate Jeremy Roenick is hit by Phoenix's Denis Gauthier, Avery lashes into the defensemen and French-Canadian players. "I think it was a clean hit," Avery said. "I think it was typical of most French guys in our league with a visor on, running around and playing tough and not back anything up. I'd think if a guy like Brett Hull was coming up the middle, somebody probably wouldn't have stepped up and hit him, but like I said, a typical move from a guy wearing a visor that certainly doesn't like to get scratched at all." Avery later released a statement apologizing for his comments.

    October 2005
    Edmonton's Georges Laraque accuses Avery of making a racial slur during a game. "(He) fabricated the whole thing," Avery told the Los Angeles Times. "I have no idea why he would do that. I heard about it after the game and was surprised." Colin Campbell, NHL director of hockey operations, met with Avery following the incident, but lacked evidence to discipline the winger.

    November 2005
    The NHL fines Avery $1,000 for criticizing the league on how it handles diving calls. "How can a guy sitting in an office in New York determine if you dived or not by watching a tape?" Avery said. "They don't know if you had a bad ankle or torn bursa sac or something. I can't even tell you what play they are talking about. They don't have to tell you a play, just what game they are looking at. No question that this is a way (for the league) to do something to me. It has nothing to do with diving."

    April 2006
    Former NHL goalie Brian Hayward criticizes Avery during a broadcast, accusing the winger of avoiding a confrontation with Ducks enforcer Todd Fedoruk. Avery confronted Hayward with a profanity-laced tirade, saying "You're the reason the league doesn't have a national television deal. You're a (terrible) announcer and you were a (terrible) player."

    July 2007
    The New York Post reports during Avery's arbitration, GM Glen Sather criticizes the winger saying, "Avery is not a mature player. He plays, at times, like an individual rather than a member of a team." In an e-mail response to The Post, Avery writes, "I have no idea what to say. I don't know what this was about. I'm shocked."

    November 2007
    Avery allegedly makes a comment to Maple Leafs winger Jason Blake regarding his battle with Leukemia, sparking a pre-game incident between Avery and Toronto's Darcy Tucker. Toronto radio personality Howard Berger cites an unnamed Rangers player confirmed the comments. The NHL announces they will look into the incident, while Avery says he will pursue a libel charge against Berger. "I am extremely upset and hurt that false and damaging comments were attributed to me regarding Jason Blake. I made no such comments," Avery said in a statement. "I have lost two grandfathers to cancer and have been a consistent contributor to multiple cancer related charities, first and foremost, Hockey Fights Cancer. I am unable to comment further, as the matter is now being addressed by legal counsel."

    April 2008
    The NHL is forced to adjust its rule book in-season due to Avery's on-ice antics in a first-round playoff matchup between the New York Rangers and New Jersey Devils. After taking two goaltender interference penalties earlier in the series, Avery finds a new way to distract Devils goalie Martin Brodeur. The Rangers' agitator parks himself in front of the crease, and while facing Brodeur, flails wildly and waves his stick as a distraction. The NHL deems Avery's actions unsportsmanlike and decide similar actions will result a minor penalty. The new regulation is widely regarded as the "Avery Rule." New York ends up winning the series, 4-1. In the traditional handshake line, Brodeur refuses to acknowledge Avery.

    December 2008
    Following a pre-game skate in Calgary, Avery, now a member of the Dallas Stars, summons the local media to give a statement. "I just want to comment on how it's become like a common thing in the NHL for guys to fall in love with my sloppy seconds," Avery said, referring to a relationship between his ex-girlfriend, actress Elisha Cuthbert and Flames defenseman Dion Phaneuf. The NHL suspends Avery indefinitely. The comments draw criticism from the entire Stars' organization, from owner Tom Hicks and coach Dave Tippett to teammates Mike Modano and Marty Turco. "We expect that out of him like we have all year," Turco said. "You know, the show continues." Avery receives a six-game suspension from the NHL and volunteers to attend anger management counseling. On Dec. 14, the Stars announce they are parting ways with Avery.

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