• Offizieller Beitrag

    Zwei Sache sind luschtig:

    De Torschütz merkt zerscht gar nöd, dass er es Goal gschosse hät.
    De Moderator verzellt gross, dass de Goalie im Goal bliibe müesst, wänn de Puck hinter's Goal gaht, debi macht das so z'säge nie eine und es hät wohl au no chum je en Moderator das als Fähler gseh. Aber passiere chan's immer mal wieder, dass de Puck luschtig abprallt. OK, nöd grad so ;o)

  • Zitat von Gysino

    würkli keine isch was wert vo dene schriiberling:


    artikel isch vo HÜT, isles geschter gspielt, PP 0/7 und es goal in underzahl kriegt, alli statistike stimmed nüme. streit glaubs 4 mal d'schiibe a de blaue linie verlore, fans händ en welle under de wulledecki gseh...

    Es gaht dene ja au nöd drum, dass es stimmt, sondern drum, dass die Ziitig verchauft wird. Und das wird sie, so langs chli bilder hät und öpis über Sport staht. Und en Grossteil vo de Läser bemerkt die Fehler offebar nöd, will er sich nur über de Blick über d NHL informiert.

    Und wänn de Teil vo Läser, wos merkt (so wie du), trotzdem ab und zue en Artikel liest, zum noii Fehler finde, dänn isch das dene au grad rächt. Drum frag ich mich scho... wie viel mal mümmer na köre, wie schlächt dass die schriiberling sind? wüssemer doch langsam...

    Geistermeister 2022 ZSC Lions

    • Offizieller Beitrag
    Zitat von Gysino

    würkli keine isch was wert vo dene schriiberling:


    artikel isch vo HÜT, isles geschter gspielt, PP 0/7 und es goal in underzahl kriegt, alli statistike stimmed nüme. streit glaubs 4 mal d'schiibe a de blaue linie verlore, fans händ en welle under de wulledecki gseh...

    Villicht wird ja e Ziitig vo hüt geschter gschribe und druckt; und wänns dänn no e chlini Ziitverschiebig git ...

    Eui Experteproblem wett i au mal ha ...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Geschrieben von PJ Sapienza, einem Chronisten aus dem Lager der Detroit Red Wings:

    Damien Brunner has made a smooth transition to the NHL level. In eight games he already has four goals and two assists. He also has a game-winning goal in a shootout, which is not counted in the regular stats. While this is below the point per game totals that he amassed in the Swiss-A League, it was not realistic to expect that same level of production in the NHL.

    Through his eight games he has proven to fit in very well. He hustles from end to end and has a great knack for following the puck. He is regularly getting opportunities to flash his brilliant moves.

    During the offseason, GM Ken Holland was criticized for not bringing in any of the big-name players that were available. The team showed interest in Zach Parise, Shane Doan, Rick Nash and Alex Semin. Sometimes, the best moves are those that you do not make. While Zach Parise is a great player, is he seven times better than Brunner?

    With the lowering of the salary cap, Holland has put the team in a better position for the long term. The Minnesota Wild signed Ryan Sutter and Zach Parise to mega deals that will hold the team back for years to come.

    In those two players, the team will eat up $15 million of the $64.3 million salary cap for next season. Add in the Wild’s other two big salary players—Dany Heatley and Mikko Koivu—and they have four players eating up almost half of the salary cap. To make matters worse for them, their $6 million goalie will be a free agent after the season as well.

    The New York Rangers will be in a similar situation with four players taking up over 44 percent of their cap for next season.

    Now to be fair, Holland was willing to pay Parise and Suter for those contracts, as those two players decided to go to Minnesota. Where Holland does get credit is that he did not panic and sign a bad contract with some other player.

    Instead of signing Doan to a bad contract, he bowed out of the negotiations. Doan is a good player, but at 36 he is not worth a four-year contract at $5.3 million per year.

    Brunner has been the best value of the Red Wing’s off season targets.

    Salary/Yrs left

    Damien Brunner

    Shane Doan

    Rick Nash

    Alex Semin

    Zach Parise

    Parise is having the best season of the group, but is the one goal and two assist lead that he has over Brunner worth an extra $6 million and the albatross 13-year contract? Not likely.

    Brunner will be a free agent after the season, but Holland will likely move to get him signed before the season ends. While he will get a bump from his current salary, he will not end up with a Parise-type contract.

    As the season progresses, and even into the offseason, teams will have to do salary dumps in order to get under the new cap. The Red Wings will be in prime position to make trades and possibly sign players.

    In Brunner, the Red Wings have a player that is producing at a very good pace. What is even more promising is that the other players on the list are already established. We know how good they are, or have been. Brunner has not reached his ceiling yet—his best is yet to come.

    Wänn das so isch, wien er zunderscht schriibt, dänn gseht's ja super uus für den Brunner, was sini Zuekunft betrifft. Und natürlich, dass eso wiitergaht bi ihm.

  • Zitat von Mushu

    Villicht wird ja e Ziitig vo hüt geschter gschribe und druckt; und wänns dänn no e chlini Ziitverschiebig git ...

    Eui Experteproblem wett i au mal ha ...

    das isch en onlineartikel, fascht 20 stunde nach em spiel gschribbe.

    uusrede sind das.

  • isles fans sind ziemli unz'friede mit em streit...


    Wins the "most overrated Islander" of the past 5 years running away. I'm pretty floored that his standing around the league is as high as it is.


    Man, did he suck tonight. Brutal. How many times did he turn it over?


    He was absolutely god awful tonight, some of his decision-making looks amateur. What stands out to me is the more recent insistence on hard passing through multiple defenders like the puck will somehow break through the sticks in the lane. It is usually in a high traffic area as well, very odd. You just wonder if playing in Europe on larger ice and some differing styles led to some bad habits that are very obvious this year. He has been pretty bad so far (much worse than some of the derp shown last year).


    I still can't get over how bad this guy was tonight particulalrly on the PP. I just don't understand what goes on in his head. Maddening. I was screaming my ass off at the game.


    If we are out enough by the deadline, Streit has to be traded

  • Zitat von Schäri

    Wow, tönt übel. Aber das isch doch dä Schwiizer Superstar;-) OK, eusne Asprüch würd er suscht sicher no gnüege...

    du chunnsch eifach nöd druus. im blick isch doch gschtande de streit füehrt s'beschte PP i de NHL aah!

    da hani au no müese schmunzle... :razz:


    Mark Streit was all kinds of dumb*** tonight. This guy needs a lobotomy. His decision making and non-ability to keep the puck in the zone is mind blowing.

    aber ja, eigetli isches ja nöd luschtig. :sad:

  • Zitat von Gysino

    isles fans sind ziemli unz'friede mit em streit...

    ja guet, so kommentär findsch i fascht allne NHL-fanfore über verdammt vill spiller... bashing isch (au) det offebar e sportart.

    aber stimmt scho, dä streit spillt's definitiv nöd guet gschweige denn souverän. und wie die meischte sport-journis da druf chömed, dass er en (super)star o.ä. seg, isch es rätsel.

  • Fankommentare sollte man nicht überbewerten und es ist wohl klar, dass er momentan einen ziemlichen "Stiefel" zusammenspielt. Wenn einer einen 5 Jahresvertrag hat, dabei über 20 Mio verdient und Captain seines Teams ist, dann ist die Erwartungshaltung entsprechend. Ob er ein Star oder Superstar ist, ist Geschmackssache, aber ein Teamleader ist er auf alle Fälle.

    Aber es geht schnell vom besten Powerplay der Liga mit Streit bis sofortiger Trade, der gefordert wird. Die Wahrheit liegt wohl wie so üblich irgendwo dazwischen.

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